What We Do



  • Conferences & Seminars

  • Team Building Talks

  • Retreats



  • Baby Dedication

  • Weddings

  • Celebration of Life



  • When Life Happens

  • Parenting

  • Career

  • Relationships


There are a lot of people with Knowledge but not nearly as many with Wisdom.  Wisdom will help you navigate touchy situations, keep your focus in the right direction and will save you lots of headaches and heartaches.

In addition to Wisdom, Coaching can give you Courage.  It takes courage to have a hard conversation with….

  • A Boss or Coworker where the relationship has gotten awkward

  • Your Parents when they have gotten older and are starting to struggle

  • A Spouse that won’t listen or who is controlling

  • And all the life that is in between 



Wisdom is doing today what I won’t regret tomorrow. Want to study wisdom? Click Here to download the free lesson.



Hope is the fresh air that causes your mind to EXPAND.

There is so much scientific research about the connection between HOPE and the brain. When we Hope, it is an activity of the mind that changes the very structure of our brain, making positivity and confidence normal for us. Hope combats anxiety, freeing you up to be more productive instead of chained by fear and dread.

Take a few moments and write out your hopes for 2020! Let your mind dream and expand beyond where you are right now.  This will fill your mind with fresh air and new space as you begin to look at the future with greater expectation.

Hopes and Dreams are the language of Heaven! Consider what God’s plan is for you: Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a FUTURE filled with HOPE.”

Want to study hope? Click Here to download the free lesson.

Sometimes the project is just around the corner from home. Other times, they are on the other side of the world. POP may be the source of the solution or we may partner with another organization to help meet a specific need. We believe that when we respond to help meet a need that something amazing happens - a “POP” Moment!

Click here to check out our current project